Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big Bad Bear!

Payton has recently started growling! It is so cute! My friends just laugh and say "that is exactly what you would think would come out of him! No little high picked sounds!" I thought everyone would enjoy alittle bit of what I hear all day! It's so darn cute. p.s. He also rolls over for those who said I helped him in his last video! He can do it by himself.


My kids do wear clothes. It just seems like a have alot of pictures with Chloe with her clothes off! She always has to take them off to sleep and sometimes eat. She is getting better at wearing them. Now she likes to wear 2 shirts when it is cold, because one day I put an undershirt on and then her reaglar shirt over it. So when she gets cold she wants two shirts! You have to love 3 years olds!

Rice Bowls

Trevor always wants terriakie chicken rice bowls, so we made our own. Then presentation look great so I took a picture!!! looks good hu! yum yum