Monday, February 9, 2009

My Two Main Men

Trevor is always trying to get me to shave his head, so I finally gave in! It's kinda nice cause he shaves it daily by himself so less hair cutting from me! Well I always laugh when Trevor holds Payton cause they are both pretty much bald and its so cute!


Katie said...

Those pictures are really funny. The last one of Trevor makes me laugh. I don't think I will let Donnie do that again.

Marley Family said...

Lane has been bugging me for years to shave his head. No way!!!!!!!! You pull it off nicely.

Nicole said...

Haha! Preston loved it in the summer when I let him shave his head. I think they look so cute together, though. You have some pretty good looking guys in your life! :D

Roxanne said...

hmmmmmmm- so whaddya think? Is bald really beautiful???? hee hee