Monday, April 6, 2009

Payton's First Room and Home

Well I finally got around to taking some pics of Paytons first room and house to put in his baby book and scrapbook! There is also a picture of Payton on the grass. He did not like the feel of it!

Chloe wants to type something:
ytgygfyfffygyfsxacfgcccccccvvvvvctycdksruieyro;ut9i4tioijijaifa gig gn uiruifriou 0-eof098ery6f7tafy fufy bb obuoufyhh gyfrieyrygygyfdzydngjkhghkihghuibhnbnnbujghguhuietyi8uijgrisjhs.ijgslgkhlh;ijo;gki;giioh;iouthiouhtouhouhotuthouthoh9hiiihyyiuyyuyusiighfsaxsxxdfurygi8teortirttitiitgigoigoifiigugodyyufgifuofiffygnyybbccgtvnvbmcccvybytv8ytuvfsvctvfcikd

Posted by a loving mom!!!!


Marley Family said...

What a fun and cute room. I love that you let cloe type something!!What a fun mom.

Shantaila said...

His room looks really good! It is such a nice feeling when you finally get something done that you have been working on!

Katie said...

You better watch out he might fall down the hill. The grass is sooo green. Love the pictures and the sign. It looks really good.